
Team Honda Week of Service Postponed

The COVID-19 global crisis has disrupted our business and daily lives. Official word has just been received that our annual Team Honda Week of Service, a week where all Honda dealerships are encouraged to participate in community service, has been postponed.

Community service is typically done in person, which conflicts with the national need to practice social distancing. However, when the need for social distancing is lifted, Honda will reschedule Team Honda Week of Service.

In San Antonio, Texas, Fiesta also had to be postponed. Fiesta is a local San Antonio holiday that spans over two weeks. Most local holidays in San Antonio are celebrated in the first half of a calendar year, whereas most significant national holidays are celebrated toward the end of the year. These would include the Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, and if you include New Year’s Eve.

These are events many of us look forward to and are very sad to be missing out on at present. However, we intend to participate in all these events belatedly. Especially, Team Honda Week of Service and Fiesta for San Antonio!